Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Christian Revisionism

There seems to be a serious problem with historical documents. One of the

greatest causes of contention these days with me is christian revisionism.
I remember many times debating with a christian. The christian always uses
Hitler, Mao, and Stalin as a scapegoat.

But wait, I looked up hitler, and he was a devout catholic, not to mention

those God is with us belt buckles come into play.

Stalin almost became a christian priest.

That leaves Mao, who was defending his country against invaders. He was a


So, because I researched real history, my curiousity is piqued.

I once admired Thomas Aquinas, until i realized that the history surrounding

him could be as false as it was for Jesus!

I did some digging on how Thomas died, three websites gave me three different


one said that a tree killed him.

Another said that he died of illness.

A third said that he died killing off atheists.

I have a weird feeling that none are true, and that the life surrounding him

is also a lie.

I also looked up Augustine. There are people crediting Buddhist quotes to

Augustine, quotes I dont remember any history book ever mentioning.

Many christians are now claiming the Columbine kids werent christians, and one

went so far as to claim they were Homosexual (which is the christianized term

for gay) Jews. Thats not even true at all. Also some jerks keep claiming

that the columbine kids killed people because they were christian. thats a

load of crap, because the columbine kids were devout lutherans!

this is getting really irritating.

I hate to have a simplistic attitude about christian history, but the

revisionists leave me no choice.

A christian historian is a christian first, a historian dead last.

that means any history surrounding "good christians" have to be treated with

skepticism at best, outright dismissal at worst. I hope other people realize this.